Bunk Bed or High Loft Bed: Which is Better for Your Child?

  • A child’s room is their own private space and they want to have a bed and a room that is fun and fits their personality and shows off the things they like. It’s why kids can look at bunk beds and get wide-eyed with the possibility of sleeping in the top bunk. It’s different and fun.


    Often times, bunk beds are purchased for sets of siblings or twins. If you are raising an only child, you may think it is not possible to give your child the same experience since a bunk bed makes little sense if only one child is using it.



    Perhaps a high loft bed is for you. Loft beds are different from bunk beds, but offer the same high bed setting that kids find fun and exciting. So what’s the difference between the two and which is best for your child? Today, we will look into those questions.


    Bunk beds are at least two beds stacked on top of each other in one piece of furniture. Many times, bunk beds are used for rooms where two beds are needed but space is limited. There are also different variations of bunk beds that can present greater options.


    Some bunks come with twin beds, a very traditional option. There are also bunks that are available in larger mattress sizes like full and queen. You can also find bunks that combine sizes, like a twin over top of a queen or full. There are also bunks that come with more beds than the traditional two, including triple and quadruple bunks.


    Loft beds are single beds that are raised, allowing the floor area below the bed to be used in other ways like for desks or couches, or just an open space for playing. The biggest benefit is that a loft bed keeps this floor space open for whatever you need.


    Often times, loft beds are thought of as options for college dorm rooms or just for older kids who need more space in the room. Loft beds are actually a great option for kids of any age. While you may be concerned with the height, know that there are ways to make small adjustments as your child grows. A low loft is a great starting point for a child who has just started school. A mid loft offers plenty of space for a desk to fit under the bed. A high loft bed can be more accommodating for an older kid or teenager in high school or preparing for college. High lofts can have larger mattress sizes and offer maximum floor space.


    Whether you choose a high loft bed or bunk beds or just a traditional bed, choose Kids N Cribs for the best selection, great pricing and quality customer service that will help you find exactly what you need. Choosing the right bed is important to finishing off a room and making it perfect for your child, providing a safe place to sleep and relax. Check out Kids N Cribs today to find the perfect bed for your child’s room.