In the end is wood or wood

  • We should someone has found a problem that we called some of wpc board in india, also called wood, so in the end it is wood or wood? This allows us to use staff too much trouble, especially for people new to the product. I think unity is known as "wood plastic products" more appropriate.

    There are four reasons:

    The first is that the material is mainly used to replace wood plastic composite decking, is a synthetic plastic and wood fibers, "wood";

    The second is the production of wood products in China wood fiber content greater than 50% are mostly in wood-based;

    The third is to express the wood fiber-based raw materials in the definition of the meaning of the US standard, the "wood" is the subject;

    The fourth is an alias for this material at home and abroad, such as "plastic wood", "green wood", Japan's "love because wood", etc., are all stressed "wood" so called "wood" is more reasonable.