CUPP protesters, police show up for Sunflower wedding

  • Sunflower movement leader Lin Fei-fan (林飛帆) and Lin Ya-Ping (林雅萍) yesterday got married at Changhua County’s Yen Pasture (顏氏牧場).

    A group of China Unification Promotion Party (CUPP) members staged a rally outside the ranch.

    They left some hours later after shouting slogans calling for Taiwan’s unification with China.

    The Changhua County Police Department had planned to deploy 12 officers at the ceremony to prevent possible disturbances from civic groups.

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    However, 40 officers were dispatched, including criminal investigations police, and a command center was set up adjacent to the venue.

    Lin had said he did not plan to speak with the media at the event, but at 3:12pm he left the venue to respond to media inquiries.

    He said he did not expect the event to attract so much attention, and that he hopes the private wedding ceremony would not become too public.

    He said he is sorry to have caused trouble for the police and is grateful for their hard work.

    Responding to a question about the CUPP “passing by to show their care,” Lin said the ceremony was purely a private event and that it is fine if the group wants to express its good wishes.

    Sunflower movement leader Chen Wei-ting (陳為廷) arrived at the venue in the morning to help before guests began arriving at about 2:30pm.

    The couple were wed at 4:45pm, witnessed by theater director Ko I-chen (柯一正).

    Former Tainan County commissioner Su Huan-chih (蘇煥智), who was among the guests, posed for a photograph during the ceremony, which he posted on Facebook, the receiving many comments from the public.

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