Wedding-Guest Sins You Legit Gotta Read to Believe

  • Think you've seen a bad wedding guest? You may have to think again. From a woman who crashed her ex-boyfriend's wedding to a man who threatened the groom's life, we've got some real doozies here—stories that will make you cringe, laugh, and hope they never show up at your celebration.

    TFW the Groom's Ex Shows Up

    "I remember being at a friend's wedding a few years back where a guest went wild. Actually, she wasn't exactly one of the guests—she showed up [even though] she had declined her invitation. She was blind drunk, laughing really loud, dancing awkwardly with her feet up in the air, and singing Kelly Clarkson's 'Since U Been Gone' like no one was listening. And when someone tried to calm her down, she spilled her drink in his face and started screaming for help. It turns out she was one of the groom's exes." —Billie Jean

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    TFW There's an Accidental Pregnancy Announcement

    "During family speeches, the brother of the bride enthusiastically mentioned that he would soon become an uncle and congratulated the couple in front of 250 people. But nobody knew the bride was pregnant—not even the parents—and it was definitely not her intention to reveal that on her wedding day. He knew it was supposed to be a secret, but apparently alcohol made him forget." —Sabrina

    TFW Someone (Who Isn't the Groom) Hits on the Bride

    "One of the bride's male friends approached her while she was standing with me, her new mother-in-law, and he proceeded to tell her that if my son so much as says one cruel word to her, she should call him and he will kick his a**. She and I just looked at each other. She was blushing, and I could tell she was very uncomfortable." —Hyapatia

    TFW a Mom Changes Her Baby's Diaper in the Venue's Kitchen

    "Right before plating salads for a sit-down dinner, a guest walks into the kitchen holding her baby. We are at a private estate, and the kitchen is in the vineyard behind the house. The guest plops the baby down on the table being used for plating and proceeds to change her child's soiled diaper. The chef is telling her she can't do that, but she completely ignores him, only asking where she can throw away the diaper." —Sasha

    TFW Your Husband Gets Shoved Into the Ladies' Room

    "My husband and I walked up to do the cake tasting and speeches, and I look around and can't find him all of a sudden. I then find him a minute later, and two of his high school buddies are kicking him in the you-know-where and trying to shove him into the ladies' restroom, where my grandmother is trying to use the restroom. After I shared a few not-so-kind words with one of the guys and got my husband out, one of them said, 'OK, bossy!' I let him know he hasn't seen bossy yet." —Jill

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