Types of Log Splitters

  • Depending on the types of projects you work on, you have several options when looking to purchase a Log Splitter. Log splitters are powerful tools that store conveniently and get your wood splitting projects done quickly. They are particularly useful for homeowners who need to cut firewood. Below are different options for wood splitters.

    Manual log splitter

    These lightweight tools are easy to store and carry when traveling. They make for a great at-home wood splitter that is used for cutting firewood or for other home projects. They do require quite a bit of manpower, but are easier to use than an ax.

    Manual splitters are either foot or hand operated.

    Electric log splitter

    Electric splitters have increased in popularity since gas prices soared. They are easy to use and weigh less than a hydraulic or diesel log splitter. Electric wood splitters are also more cost effective than those run with gas or diesel.

    Depending on where you live, the price of electricity may be far less than that of gas, saving you hundreds of dollars a year in fuel expenses.

    These splitters are great for moderate use. They work well for cutting firewood at home or in a restaurant. Another great feature is that they can be used indoors- though they are rather noisy.

    Hydraulic Log Splitters

    Powerful, fast, and big- hydraulic splitters are at the top of the food chain when it comes to cutting wood. They also have a larger surface area for cutting than the manual or electric type. Hydraulic wood splitters come in various sizes. If you are looking for convenience, you can purchase a smaller model to take with you.

    These types of splitters are great for camping trips or other outdoors activities. Hydraulic and electric splitters have an on/off switch making it easy to operate your splitter.

    Vertical or horizontal

    A horizontal splitter works well if you are splitting hundreds of logs each year. If you have heavier logs that you are not able to lift on your own, vertical splitters can assist you best. Many models have the option to switch back and forth between vertical and horizontal.

    You no longer need to do the backbreaking work of Lumber Jack Log Splitter with an ax. Using a wood splitter will save you tons of time and pain, so you can get back inside and relax by the fire. And speaking of a fire - splitters make splitting firewood quite easy.