Beginning of a whole new Escalator Company

  • Perhaps you are uncomfortable taking that first step and I ask you in all Passenger Elevator , what do you stand to lose? Yes, it is possible that the other person does not want to talk but more people will respond to your statement or question than will not. And, if that individual does not want to engage in conversation, you have lost nothing.

    Life is worth some risks now and then. Take advantage of your next wait in line by addressing the individual standing in front of you or behind. You could be luckier than you think. And, if you do it often enough, you are guaranteed to find success with your elevator speech.

    ing similar results. If you want to go higher, you have to leave some people behind. You can't ask a person making $30,000 a year how to make a million dollars a year! That would be crazy. If they knew how, then they would have a million dollars. In order to get to that level, you would need to surround yourself with people who have already made it to where you are trying to go. As the saying goes, "if you are the sharpest knife in the drawer, it's time to move." Change your friends and your social circle. I am not saying kick everyone to the curb but what I am saying is, if you want different results, you have to do different things and that includes changing your inner circle. Get with people who will stretch your thinking. People who make you want to learn more, read more, do more. These are the people who will challenge you and get the thinking juices flowing.

    This is my challenge to you; implement just one of these nuggets and see how what changes come about. This is not all that you need to do but if you can just hone in on one of these, I promise you, you will see results. I was always told that repetition is the mother of skill, so keep doing that one item you chose until you have mastered it. It is the beginning of a whole new Escalator Company.