Jumper cables about accept red greentelftth Ftth Box

  • Jumper cables about accept red greentelftth Ftth Box for the absolute (+) terminals and atramentous clamps for the abrogating (-) terminals. These terminals are usually apparent on the array with a additional and bare symbol.

    Begin by adhering one end of the absolute jumper cable to the absolute terminal on the disabled car.

    Connect the added end to the absolute array terminal of the booster vehicle.

    Attach one end of the abrogating jumper cable to the abrogating terminal of the booster vehicle.

    Make the final affiliation by adhering the added end of the abrogating cable to some good, accessible, metal allotment of the engine abroad from the array so that any blaze created will not accident the array or could could cause you injury.

    When adhering the jumper cables accomplish abiding that the teeth on the clamps get a acceptable chaw on the terminals or the engine accomplishments location.

    Start the field assembly optical connector car and run the engine at a hardly faster acceleration than idle.